Friday, February 28, 2014

Interviews, papers, websites....

Thinking about our next readings and our prototyping as we arrive: 
  • What did you choose among possible readings and why?
  • How can our director of readings facilitate our coordinations among these complex systems? 
  • What did you use as a frame for putting things together?
  • Did you draw on Sandoval and/or Law for helping you work with non-coherence? how could that be an alternative to feeling intimidated, rejected, un-belonging, maybe even punishing? How could this matter? 

INDUCED MEANDERING: 30 mins prototyping, 30 mins speaking one-on-one with others about what they think their visualization/texturization is all about: What kinds of cognition entangle here? how to share learning with (other) objects in all this? What does that have to do with what we read for today?

Dolphijn shares this: 

Indebted citizenship - an interview with Rosi Braidotti from openDemocracy on Vimeo.

Indebted citizenship - an interview with Rosi Braidotti
from openDemocracy: 3 days ago 

"Advanced capitalism does not develop in a linear fashion, but by endless processes of overlapping coding, recoding and decoding of the existing rules that construct our socio-economic sphere in the hunt for profit.

"As fascism was colonialism coming home to roost in the 1930s, so in the same way, the impoverishment of Europe is a coming home to roost of policies we have actively implemented in the third world since the second world war: structural readjustment plans that are doing to the south of Europe what we had been doing to the south of the world.

"At this time, we need a serious discussion of masculinities, religious bodies, political violence, systematic necro-politics, stem cell research that relies on the looting of natural resources and colonized territories, financial bulimia, addictive non-food, affective economies, the spectres of fascism, the cartographies of subjective difference. Ours is a figurative, entropic system of unleashed consumerism and multiple choices between quantitative differences without qualitative difference: desire as lack.

"We need to see how we can move this along through intersectional analysis and discussion, and put behind us the pain that can never be redeemed, to challenge the computational rationalities of the system."

Seen on Facebook this Wednesday morning: 

Credit: Trey Ratcliff License: Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).

"It’s one of my favorite phrases related to rainwater harvesting: induced meandering. The premise is simple. Whenever you can encourage rainwater runoff to slow down, to take a more circuitous route, to wind its way down a hill rather than rush full speed toward the gutter, storm drain, or gully below, you increase the likelihood for induced meandering — and the likelihood that this runoff can become a resource rather than a nuisance…..

"Observation. It is important to first watch how the water flows in a given area. Where does it come from? Where does it go? Where does it run fast and where does it slow down? Observe the path and pattern of the water.

"Action. Once you have observed the patterns of the water it is time to experiment. How might the water be slowed in the fast areas? Typically this is done by either spreading it out, or by adding curves to its path. Perhaps it is a dirt road that gets rutted from the rain; add a rock or other block near the top of the rut and water will spread out rather than make a deeper rut. Perhaps it is a downhill dirt path that, with each rain, gets cut deeper; add speed bumps in the form of rocks or dirt to help slow the water down, to encourage it to spread out as it travels.

"Implemented thoughtfully, this induced meandering can provide irrigation to soil, plants, and trees long after the rains have passed. The benefits are both immediate and long term. The more induced meandering, the greater the overall health of the entire area, not just of a particular plant or tree."


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

/es/system-ing: composting the humanities and more


/es/system-ing: agential cuttings and compost

Alkon. 2011. Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class, and Sustainability. MIT. 9780262516327
Cohen. 2012. Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 1. OHP. [Free online.] 9781607852377
Dolphijn. 2012. New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies. Michigan. OHP. [Free online.] 9781607852810
Barad. recent articles. (Reference: 2007. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Duke. 9780822339175)
King. talksites. (Reference: 2012. Networked Reenactments: Stories Transdisciplinary Knowledges Tell. Duke. 9780822350729)

  • Thursday 20 February – Alkon, Cohen (Sandoval)
  • Thursday 27 February – Alkon, Cohen (Keating)
  • Thursday 6 March – Dolphijn, Barad, King
  • Thursday 13 March – Dolphijn, Barad, King

How would you like to apportion readings from Barad and King? Would you like to choose stuff from Barad's site for new talks and papers? You can pick stuff perhaps from Katie's talk sitesWhat is your pleasure? And should we have folks sign up for stuff with the Director of Readings to see if we can get folks doing different and overlapping stuff so we can share as widely as possible but still enjoy reading the same stuff? Please come with ideas for the next class!




"Agential Cuttings" a sympoiesis companioning Barad's careful work with agential realism. "Compost" in preference to posthuman: wording gifted by science writer Rusten Hogness to conversations among and for "children of compost." Hogness seriously jokes that the only allowable "post" for ecoactivisms should be compost! Such a composite or mixture, a bringing together, fosters sf futures, speculative feminist gatherings. This compost, with its nutrients feeding sympoietic connections concerned with an overpopulated planet, also draws upon conversations with Vinciane Despret, Donna Haraway, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa and others. Such agential cuttings entangle responsibilities entailed by this preference for compost to posthuman and poly-parenting to procreating. They imagine ahead earth-wide impacts on multi-species flourishing in commitments made by new generations to share among the children of compost rather than give birth themselves. Hogness, R, & Haraway, D. 2013 6 Oct. See also rusthog website: 

Optional reading: Puig de la Bellacasa on Leigh Star ("boundary objects") and much more....

Friday, February 21, 2014

class communications check

did you receive a course mail message sent out Fri 21 Feb around 8:30 am? Make sure you have that TEST email! 

some suggested they had not seen emails sent to our course list. this is to check if testudo has the email address you are using regularly. and to give you a reality check on how often you should be checking this website for changes, and that email address for communications.

for both, check each at least 4 times a week, and especially the day of, and the two days before class.

As soon as you see this send Katie an email to say so, and comment on getting course mail for our class please:

Please send those digital pics to gmail address asap. If you need those instructions again, email Katie for a re-mailing.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

after snow....

PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL BEFORE CLASS FOR INSTRUCTIONS SENT OUT TODAY, TH 20 FEB! (always do this before class, and also check website too.) 


We did have snow days. Folks who were scheduled to present 13 Feb, will
present this coming week 20 Feb. We will shift the next presentations accordingly. But keep up with the reading schedule on the Info tab, “621: dates at a glance.” We will keep up on the reading even as we shift presentation dates. 

So don’t stop reading! Keep on going, snuggle in and read! make sure you have checked class web site links! Try out Bruno Latour's new MOOC!

Note your email: I sent out a link to a Washington Post item (optional) I used when I worked on my assignment for the Latour MOOC this week (below).

And I also emailed a pdf of the Bost14 article (optional) that ties together some of the connections we are about to start making forward, while the Law13 article helps us think back over what we have done so far, as well as peek into what is coming up. (It has already sent by email, and there is a link to it on the right side of our website too; do be sure to read, fundamental to the rest of the course.) 

Katie's field notes re Latour MOOC on FUN (mentally comparing with CD MetaMOOC for discussion):

Facebook: Saturday, February 15, 2014

• Katie King:

Who else is taking the Latour MOOC? Has anyone started their news blog yet? I love that this is all about sorting knowledges, and that the terms here are all about detecting connections: "keep a blog in which you’ll note all the instances you will be encountering where you can detect connections between a piece of science or a technical project and another piece of culture, society or politics. Yes, it is a huge task, but it is on the connections you have to focus. What you have to do first is to follow the press or to subscribe to several news feeds, blogs or newsletters. You may also want to jot down notes about conversations that you have heard or in which you have participated where the questions of expertise, public discussions around evidence and proof, or the effect of this or that technology are being brought in. Ideally you should write every day. The crucial point is to follow the news in real time; that is, from the first day of class to the last. It is the only way to share in the difficulty that all readers have when they have to find their ways through the maze of news before the issue is settled."

9 others like this.

• Katie King: 
Merci de fournir les informations suivantes pour vous connecter à votre compte F...See More

• comment #1: I've watched only the first video. I was trying not to get behind on the History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education. But I may have to choose only one! I'll work it again on Sunday.

• Katie King: I'm doing both and I think they go together well! the blog thing is very cool as exercise and I am having students do Field Notes for the Meta-MOOC (Davidson) which is more individual but has some possibilities for crowdsourcing. As far as I understand it, Latour MOOC is simultaneously teaching people to do Actor-Network analysis of world news on science, blog by coding elements of the network in real time, and then all this can be crowdsourcing data as well as big data illustrative of what ANT could do. And I think this is only one piece of the MOOC. Looks very cool!

• Katie King: one could do this without taking the MOOC but it would not have the crowdsourcing possibilities: AFTER READING SCIENCE NEWS ITEM: 1) underline people & organizations (ACTORS ) shaping it all as you read; 2) inventory of participants (eg: =places & events =organizations =stakeholders with different interests =individual =views of the world) 3) comment: what have you learned about the making of science? exemplify, clarify, dispute what is said in MOOC? interconnect with observations of others in MOOC.

• Katie King: I had already marked this news item for my grad class for thinking about so-called new materialisms (so-called here = boundary object), seems perfect for this:

Inside the secretive war between sugar and corn syrup
New documents show how rival industries poured millions into academic research, groups

• Katie King: read responses from Latour and others and suddenly I'm performing: added inventories and more. MORE: Scored first comment! "Hi Katie, thanks for adding this in-depth inventory and discussion! This topic provides a great window into the channels by which private industry, academic institutions, non-profit institutions, and the U.S. government are linked and work to produce (or avoid) change in policy, economics, and popular opinion." WE ALL LOVE TO BE NOTICED!

.    KatieKing environ une heure avant
I am interested in the struggle between Sugar and Corn industries here, and how agribusiness is shaping research and policy making through money and influence. What gets lost is how to evaluate the claims, whether differences between corn and sugar matter that much and if so how, to bodies with and without, say, type 2 diabetes. As a person reading the news, I am required to be increasingly skeptical here about "academic research" which loses authority because corrupted by money. Similarly the FDA and other regulatory entities are also corrupted, and so how does adjudication happen except in my own head? how collective except on the internet? wondering just how effective crowdsourcing and investigative reporting are for such claims? I am forced back onto the evidence of my own body, which is a different type of knowledge than epidemiological data or other kinds of knowledge producing data sorts. This is far from a satisfactory default, even though it has its own rationality. 

Hi Katie, thanks for adding this in-depth inventory and discussion! This topic provides a great window into the channels by which private industry, academic institutions, non-profit institutions, and the U.S. government are linked and work to produce (or avoid) change in policy, economics, and popular opinion. PÉDAG

  •        places and events: Washington DC, USA, petition to US FDA, release of internal documents, meta-analysis of peer review articles, statement by Corn industry officials, money invested over 2 years, 2009 email details plan, 2004 document on consultation with private research firm, 2010 study on metabolic effects, 2010 attempts to rename corn syrup, formation Citizens for Health 1992.

  • .       organizations: Citizens for Health (non profit funded by sugar industry), Food and Drug Administration US, Center for Responsive Politics, Sugar Association, Corn Refiners Association, Coke, Pepsi, Rippe Lifestyle Institute, Center for Consumer Freedom, Cargill, Berman & Co., the Academic Network.

  • stakeholders with interests: consumers, sugar companies, corporate interests, washington policymakers, traditional lobbyists, nonprofit groups, academicians, journalists, lawmakers, regulators, donors, food markets, agricultural sectors, food manufacturers, science advisors, doctors, consulting agencies, peer reviewed journals, lawyers, data itself?

  • .       individuals: James Rippe (cardiologist & consultant for corn industry), Audrae Erickson (Exec Corn Refiners), Richard Berman (DC lobbyist), Adam Fox (lawyer for sugar industry), James Turner (founder Citizens for Health)

  • .       views of the world (network of controlling values): healthful attention to food and food labeling, profit maximization for corporations, influencing DC policy, expertise, investigative journalism, public opinion, regulation of interests pressuring lawmakers, electoral politics, forms of data collection, “soft lobbying,” science as POV for expertise and policy advising, clinical experience and expertise, experimental practices, peer-review publication, shaping of public opinion by tv, news, online, aggressive tactics to promote interests, sorting good and bad data, validation of data in public exchange

  • .       translation and composition: does the drama of the machinations between sugar and corn agribusiness interests and their paid agents create a media ecology in which the procedures for sorting data are generally discredited, rather than disarticulated in terms of political interests? When media audiences are confronted with the proper uses of such investigative journalism do they default to some forms of authoritative trust over others? in own body, in groups of belonging, to preferred kinds of knowledge practice? 

–posted environ une heure avant by KatieKing

See also: 
Clarke 2005: 141: "these maps are not intended as formulas for analysis, but as directions through which to begin and deepen analytic work, as sites of engagement.... The ways we are surprised by some results of our work often demonstrate overt assumptions we have had that we were blind to. ...surprise at grasping some new position or way of 'seeing' something indicates openness to unanticipated data, analyses, and difference(s) -- not stupidity for not having 'seen' it before."



Thursday, February 6, 2014

embedded in systems: how to share ....

Fruit Loops Landscape from the series Processed Views  

"Processed Views interprets the frontier of industrial food production: the seductive and alarming intersection of nature and technology. As we move further away from the natural sources of our food, we head into uncharted territory replete with unintended consequences for the environment and for our health.

"In this study of the landscape of processed foods, we reference the work of photographer, Carleton Watkins (1829-1916). His sublime views framed the American West as a land of endless possibilities, and significantly influenced the creation of the first national parks. However, many of Watkins' photographs were commissioned by the corporate interests of the day; the Central Pacific Railroad, the lumber, milling and mining industries. Watkins embodied the commonly held 19th century view of Manifest Destiny – the inevitability of America's bountiful land, justifiably utilized and consumed by it's citizens.

"We built these views to examine consumption, progress and the changing landscape."


"In 1905, the Russian biologist Konstantin Mereschkowski first suggested that some parts of eukaryotic cells were once endosymbionts—free-living microbes that took up permanent residence within other cells. He thought the nucleus originated in this way, as did the chloroplasts that allow plant cells to harness sunlight. He missed the mitochondria, but the American anatomist Ivan Wallin pegged them for endosymbionts in 1923.

"These ideas were ignored for decades until an American biologist—the late Lynn Margulis—revived them in 1967. In a radical paper, she made the case that mitochondria and chloroplasts were once free-living bacteria that had been sequentially ingested by another ancient microbe. That is why they still have their own tiny genomes and why they still superficially look like bacteria. Margulis argued that endosymbiosis was not a crazy, oddball concept—it was one of the most important leitmotivs in the eukaryotic opera.

"The paper was a tour de force of cell biology, biochemistry, geology, genetics, and paleontology. Its conclusion was also grossly unorthodox. At the time, most people believed that mitochondria had simply come from other parts of the cell. “[Endosymbiosis] was taboo,” says Bill Martin from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, in Germany. “You had to sneak into a closet to whisper to yourself about it before coming out again.”

"Margulis’ views drew fierce criticism, but she defended with equal vigor. Soon she had the weight of evidence behind her. Genetic studies, for example, showed that mitochondrial DNA is similar to that of free-living bacteria. Now, very few scientists doubt that ancient mergers infused the cells of every animal and plant with the descendants of modern bacteria."  

What might these have to do with Reed & Flanagan? and with what is still to come? :) Did you get my email about presentations, handouts and standards

Where are they and what are they doing in 2014?

>Bernice Johnson Reagon "Coalition Politics" 1983  
>Noël Sturgeon "Direct Theory" 1995 
>Nancy Whittier "Feminist Generations" 1995  
>Chela Sandoval "Methodology of the Oppressed" & "AfterBridge" 2000 & 2002
>TV Reed "Art of Protest" 2005
>Mary Flanagan "Critical Play" 2009 
>Donna Haraway "Pilgrim Award Acceptance" 2011 
>AnaLouise Keating "Transformation Now!" 2013 

Could people be boundary objects do you suppose? Have agency as "boxes" that are easier to move around and share than the whole communities of interaction they may also be the tip of the iceberg of? Can we open up these boxes without trivializing the hard work that these folks do also? 

“The interest in “fuzziness” signaled by the Common Knowledge symposium suggests an increasing willingness to face up to and articulate the realities of non-coherence. As the will to purity loses its power, it becomes easier to talk about how to do syncretism well and then to act accordingly. Purity is not the only way we hold together normatively or politically. The puzzle is why we are so often scared of the thought of a world that is noncoherent. Why do we feel ourselves at a disadvantage when we are told that, unless we buy into general moral and political principles, we have abandoned all possibility of a moral or political position? Perhaps we are still partially beholden to the modernist redesign that leads to straight lines and curves, rather than to the jury-rigged boxes and wires, ambiguities, tensions, and messy social arrangements of impurity—beholden to the idea that the opposite of coherence is incoherence rather than noncoherence. But then again, perhaps things are changing. If we are able to talk of fuzzy logics and heterogeneities, then perhaps the will to purity is starting to lose its grip.” (Law13:191-2)

“many versions of the good”: (Law13:189-90): modes of syncretism: note how the choice of terms to encapsulate each requires one to feel them out as boundary objects and to take interest in, perhaps even pleasure in, their counter-intuitive uses here: 
= denial
= domestication
= separation
= care
= conflict
= collapse


Five technologies:
=reading power (radical semiotics, la facultad, ‘signifyin’
=deconstruction (coatlicue
=differential perception (nepantla
=democratics, an ethical technology: mobilizes the previous four 

so that agencies can "select" tactics according to political situation:
tactics such as:
=revolutionary action
=political defense of the human or redefinition of the human
=or even defiance of categorizing as “human”

all this becomes 


Reed05 Ch8: Environmental Justice Ecocriticism (218-9):

>cognitive praxis:

>humanities and environmental studies:

>higher ed as mass culture & intellectual formation:

>movement pressures:

Latour examples of scientific humanities 


Saturday, February 1, 2014

from Methodology of the Oppressed to Transformation Now!

=UPON ARRIVAL: please sit down and make notes on the themes you discerned from all the readings and preparations we did for today. As people come in start making one single general list that everyone contributes to. Write a list? Want poster materials? whatever starts happening: poster stuff available for use. (Notice whatever this is as an artifact of coordination.)


"Flipping the class" means that much/most of our work happens BEFORE class, and we use the class time not in anticipation but to collaborate. Preparation is essential in these practices, but notice that the sorts of preparation here should be self-consciously time-limited, strategically exercised, and work to SHAPE interactivity and connectivity. Note also how proper it is that your careabouts play an important role in such shaping. Don't be defensive about this: SHARE IT! Don't worry about excuses for not being perfect or exhaustive or having the same kind of time that others may have or wring out of their lives: MINE YOUR PERIPHERAL PARTICIPATIONS! 

Notice the titles of each class, and use them to orient your shapings: 
• this one: Repositioning Representation, from accuracy to agency, from autopoiesis to sympoiesis: the gathering and direct theory 
• last class: Arts, Play, Double Binds, Differential Consciousness/es of Protest: why direct theory matters and how it materializes
Notice these belong to a course section and each section has a set of book-companions:

<<<SECTION I: just doing it: gathering among companions, at home and in the streets

·       Sandoval. 2000. Methodology of the Oppressed. Minnesota. 9780816627370
·       Keating. 2013. Transformation Now! Toward a Post-Oppositional Politics of Change. Illinois. 9780252079399
·       Reed. 2005. The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Streets of Seattle. Minnesota. 9780816637713
·       Flanagan. 2009. Critical Play: Radical Game Design. MIT. 9780262518659

Look at our next meeting schedule and hints. (Compare to the last class, note what we did and did not do last time: look at end of this post to check that). There will always be a lot to do: SHAPE IT! One estimation of proper amounts of time: two hours prep for each hour class meeting time. Frankly, this needs to be distributed and include projects and partnerings to be realistic. It gets skimped on at some parts of the term, and then goes into overdrive at other times, uneven. But it helps one to be feel out how expectations on all sides may match and not match! (Two and half hours of class, twice that five hours: hmm. What can one do with that time? Is that really enough? too much? Life/work balances?  Labor intensive academic professionalization? What would life as an academic professional entail beyond graduate school? How much time do you think the teacher took to prepare for your class?)  

Thursday 6 February – Repositioning Representation, from accuracy to agency, from autopoiesis to sympoiesis: the gathering and direct theory 

• CLASS-SITE: have you read through class website carefully? (How does one read a website?) Checked all the links? (How deeply does one delve into hyperlinks?) Notice the website will be altering constantly, adapting to our course, creating a living syllabus, a record of what we do, a collection of resources. Do check it every couple/few days. (What do you use? Computer, smart phone, tablet, other?)
• GradHacker, How to Read a Book in Two Hours or Less (link on BOOKS TAB). Read, then try it out on:
Sandoval 2000 &
Keating 2013: Notice how it all works out. Be prepared to discuss. Consider fastest ways to get Reviews so that doesn’t take up all of your two hours! Consider quick web search strategies for help with contextualizing.
• EMAILED: Reagon83, Sturgeon95, Whittier95, Sandoval02, Reed05. Let’s call the sorts of strategies for quickly sizing up a book or whatever, described in “reading a book in two hrs,” grokking. Use those single page, double-sided HANDOUTS from last class (bits from: Reagon83 Coalition Politics; Sandoval02 AfterBridge; Reed05 Scenarios for Revolution; as well as: KingHandout99 feminist generations; KingHandout13 Queer Method; KingHandout13 SLSA) to facilitate “grokking” and/or reading the short essays sent to you on email.
• VID ON CLASS-SITE: Watch the Donna Haraway vid on the website. Then
• PREPARE to prototype on the issues of WHAT’S YOUR STUFF? What are the infrastructures that keep it all in place that you tend not to pay attention to, or may even not know? Who does what work? What work do others do for your life you may not even guess about? (See COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE TAB for some ways to think about this.) Bring in stuff you want to use for your prototyping process, to share with others, or to contribute to our artsy/crafty materials collection.

So what is your stuff, our stuff? Books, websites, internet search, research databases, computers, smart phones, tablets, languages, code, videos, visualizations, graphic novels/scholarship, methods, exams, data, devices, processes, wearable computers, mobile devices and play, proprioceptive movements through space, sensations, touch, palpability, affect? What Bruno Latour describes as learning to add new body parts in many reciprocities with an always newly sensible world. And that edge of urgency and temporal complexities Craig Childs calls the everending Earth. How do we un-blackbox what we cannot perceive for reasons of: power, scale, timespot, careabouts, embodiment, position in infrastructure, ontology, epistemology? What Karen Barad calls ethico-onto-epistemolgy, in a new materialism, an experimental metaphysics. 

• Lots of advice on How to Read, all of it good. Put it all together: how possible? Contradictory? What you already do? What to do when? Reading for processing, for discussion, for teaching, for own work, for study group, for general exam: one size does not fit all. representation.
• Where is the “how to read a website”? “How to read a dynamic visualization?” “How to read a graphic novel, or graphic scholarly text”? Do some exist on the web? Even more: “How to read a wearable computer” or maybe better “How to wear a computer”? “How to move in space with mobile devices, folks, venues”? In other words: adding new body parts for a sensible world: words matter, visuals matter, and so does what else? Touch, palpability, sensation, affect, proprioception, and more. (Katie’s talks on khipu, and (media) things on her talksite share her own considerations so far.)

Haraway Pilgrim Talk from SFRA on Vimeo.

HOW TO FIND REVIEWS? for two hour reading of book? 

•2 Reviews of Sandoval: found by googling with some use of Research Port  



•These other 2 above found by using our Library WorldCat search, like this:


<<<SECTION I: just doing it: gathering among companions, at home and in the streets

·       Sandoval. 2000. Methodology of the Oppressed. Minnesota. 9780816627370
·       Keating. 2013. Transformation Now! Toward a Post-Oppositional Politics of Change. Illinois. 9780252079399
·       Reed. 2005. The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Streets of Seattle. Minnesota. 9780816637713
·       Flanagan. 2009. Critical Play: Radical Game Design. MIT. 9780262518659

Thursday 30 January – Arts, Play, Double Binds, Differential Consciousness/es of Protest: why direct theory matters and how it materializes

• WE BEGIN CLASS BY examining the books we will gather together with, considering our intensive and extensive “belongings,” enabling various of such “us” to “learn” as agential things, beings, animals, processes, distributed cognitions, ecologies of affect and more. INTRODUCTIONS of all the “us” we can figure out how to name and share!
• NOTE: BOOKS TAB: LINK: Dumit on How I Read: something to ponder for our course! And this will help too: How to Read a Book in Two Hours or Less from Inside Higher Ed's GradHacker. PRESENTATION TAB: LINKS: How to Read Handout & Edwards on How to Give an Academic Talk.

Gregory Bateson (who is he and why might we care?) famously said, in “the pronoun we, I of course included the starfish and the redwood forest, the segmenting egg, and the Senate of the United States.” Us means not only Bateson’s living patterns, from the starfish’s invertebrate radial symmetry to redwood cloning timelines to recursive epigenesis, mechanism and structure in a segmenting egg to those human affiliations of power and state and love that we could wish for in the Senate of the United States. “Us” gathers sympoietically too all these boundary objects storing details and affects as well as quantum entanglements of electron and memory and even hybrids and objects as human, nonhuman, inhuman… and compost. 

• Introductions to each other as resources, to the class, readings and procedures, and to gathering strategies.
• Our first prototyping session: collectively make, pairs or grps or all: timeline for events described and publication/s; put in context: timeline major historical events during that time; put in context: yourself and your family during that time; put in context: one or more for you iconic feminist/or political figures
google image these as possible….


double bind? 
many worlds
